
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 in Pictures


Hosted traditional New Year's lunch with family
Jackson was fully potty-trained with no accidents by early-January 
James, Amelia, and Maddie turned 6 months old
Organized pantry, finally adhered to strict meal planning and food budget

First snow for the trio. They were unimpressed.


Jackson celebrated his cousin, Levi's. birthday with a superhero themed party.
We were blasted with nearly a foot of snow and four days at home.

Jackson made his first snowman.
First Valentine's Day--fun photo shoot
Though Jackson no longer wore diapers, I continued to wash and change 50+ diapers every two days.
The trio began eating table food and eating with us at the table in their high chairs.
Trip to the local fire station
Maddie was exited from cardiologist since her PDA closed on its own.
Regular park adventures with this handsome guy.

Discovered love of baking and eating whoopie pies!


Trio could hold their own bottles. This was a huge milestone and made life much easier!
Regular crafts, experiments, and baking with Jackson

Transitioned to convertible car seats at 8 months old.

Accidentally backed out of garage while the van door was open. We've had one working van door ever since. :(
Keepin' it real. Still struggled with tantrums and meltdowns.

Regular weekend visits with MiMi and PaPa
Preschool field trip to the aquarium
Regularly cooked breakfast for homeless at 5 a.m.

Finally learning how to sit up. (James first, then Maddie, eventually Amelia)


Jackson was thoroughly confused after his first time mini-golfing

Family trip to NC Zoo (first time for trio)

Sleepover with my two favorite 11-year-olds
Jackson's birthday party at preschool

Happy 3rd birthday, Jackson Lee!

Water play at DPK
Mastering grocery shopping with four kids

Stopped pumping at 9 months, transitioned to formula

Mondays at the rec center

Easter 2014


Fun by the lake (Babies were sitting but not crawling)

Panther's obstacle course at Freedom Park

After reading Wheat Belly, Jesse and I cut out all grains and refined sugar.

But I still enjoyed baking for extra money and fun

Splash Pads open on Memorial Day! Bring on the water fun.


Overnight trip to Boone. The boys with Yosef.

Moses Cone Center 

Jackson's first time rock hopping

Mobile babies = baby jail

Happy Father's Day, Jesse!

Backyard swimming in our inflatable pool

Family time at Aunt Robin's pool

Jackson participated in an extensive research study
Jesse and I continued to abstain from all wheat and refined sugar

Free trip to Zootastic for Teacher Appreciation Day

Small sampling of reading list for the month. Book club kept me motivated to keep reading.

First time taking the kids to Reedy Creek Park


Regular summer playdates at various splash parks
Birthday celebrations and sister lunch dates
Happy Birthday James, Amelia, and Maddie!

Cake Smash (DIY cakes, banners, cake stands, tutus, and photos)

Birthday party with family and friends

Many summer hours were spent playing in our new sandbox.

Making music at Romare Bearden Park uptown

Chick-Fil-A Dress Like a Cow Day

Daddy - Jack loving at Freedom Park

The trio's favorite ride

I officially resigned after my parental leave ended. Bittersweet...

Jackson's first trip to the movie theater (with his Daddy)


Visiting Carolina's Aviation Museum to see "Miracle on the Hudson"

Our deck, aka an in home-daycare
Jesse began his new career as an 8th grade ELA teacher

Weekly adventure at the musuem

What happens when we stay home all day!
My favorite photo of 2014

Jackson's first time bowling
Jesse became Jackson's barber
Threw a baby shower to honor the upcoming arrival of Baby D


First Day of School (Should have taken the photo BEFORE school)
Grandparent's Day gifts

Carnival at church: Jackson's first face painting and my first youth group event.

Krispy Kreme: Dress Like a Pirate Day
Beautiful Maddie
Painting fun
All six of us passed a stomach bug back and forth for eight long days.
New cat: Aspen
First of many trips to the pumpkin patch in 2014


impromptu day trip to Boone

Annual Robinson Fall Festival
First painting experience for the trio
Charlotte CROP Walk with the youth group
Maddie gets shoe inserts
Preschool field trip to the pumpkin patch
"CM Academy Field Trip" to regional airport
Apple picking
Beautiful fall day
Pumpkin playdate
Spontaneous news segment about the never ending road construction!
Grand-prize winner from the "Touch of Yesterday" fall festival
Day trip to Riverbanks Zoo in SC

Amelia is the first walker!
Halloween trunk-or-treat
Annual family beach trip: trick-or-treating at Broadway at the Beach

Myrtle Beach, SC

Children's Museum of SC

The park becomes challenging with four kids walking in different directions!
Long overdue date night
Thanksgiving Feast at preschool

Thanksgiving Day: back bends and "stand-up test"

Black Friday shopping: Jesse teaches himself to play the ukulele


Maddie's final PT session. No more physical therapy needed for this big girl!

Misadventures during Friday playdates
Preschool field trip to news station
Adventures uptown
We baked and decorated SO. MANY. COOKIES!
Almond bark was my obsession of the month.
Modifying Christmas decorations

Two out of three learned to climb on the couch. Ahhh....
Harrisburg Tree Lighting/ Visit with Santa (and Mrs. Claus)
MiMi and PaPa with all their grandkids
Baby showers, parties, and more cakes
Jesse's new tattoo
Youth events: making beds and cooking dinner for homeless
Christmas Morning
Siblings on Christmas Day
New dining room set and decor

Let's see what 2015 has to bring!

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