
Thursday, December 4, 2014

Early Intervention: Case Closed

Tomorrow will be nine months to the day when Maddie was evaluated by the Early Intervention team. In the weeks that followed, we were overwhelmed with specialists, neurology referrals, adjusting to a physical therapy schedule, and determining goals for her IFSP. Many tears were shed over the unknown.
Today, almost nine months later, I signed the final paperwork for Maddie to be exited from Early Intervention. My norm has revolved around weekly PT, monthly meetings with the case manager, regular doctor visits, and daily practice of therapy goals. Today, I feel overwhelmed that it is over. Today I shed more tears. My baby girl ("baby" by one minute) is okay. More than okay, actually.
Madeline Lucinda, we could not be more proud of you!


  1. Cutie pie! It's pretty awesome to leave early intervention without a direct referral to the school system at age 3; nicely done Maddie Moo Moo.

  2. MiMi's Lil'Bit is growing up and she is perfect :)
