
Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday Family Fun: Tree Lighting

We almost never go out on Friday evenings. Everyone is exhausted from the week and are in bed early. Therefore, I was surprised when Jesse suggested we take the kids to CiCi's, then to the Harrisburg tree lighting tonight.
Jesse asked the cashier at CiCi's how much the kids cost. She laughed and replied, "nothing".  I think most people underestimate how much our kids can eat. All four kids easily ate an entire pizza and several bowls of pasta by themselves. Maddie alone ate three pieces of pizza!
The tree lighting was at the town hall square, just a few minutes from where Jesse works. Along with the tree lighting, there were horse and carriage rides, hot chocolate, crafts, caroling, live nativity, and pictures with Santa. Jesse ran into several of his students while we were there. One of them took a family picture for us. (She seemed to struggle, though it was probably the first time she ever had to look through a viewfinder to take a picture.)
Jesse and I went back and forth about whether or not we would take the kids out of the stroller for a picture. Mr. and Mrs. Claus were the ones to encourage us to let everyone sit. They were genuinely happy to hold all four kids. Unfortunately, Amelia was not as happy to be held.

We went on a brief horse and carriage ride for free. Jackson was excited to look at the Christmas decorations along the townhomes.

There was an overly friendly snowman walking around throughout the tree lighting. Jackson actually requested to have a picture taken with the snowman. Without asking, the snowman then held the stroller handles and posed for a picture with James and Amelia. This sent Amelia into hysterics. By this point in the evening it was nearly 8 pm, which is well past the trio's bedtime.  

After a fun, busy evening out, we were ready to return home and go to bed.

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