
Sunday, December 21, 2014

Nativity Play--Times Two

Thursday was the Christmas program at Jackson's school. It was a legitimate program with a lengthy list of songs, prayers, and devotions.

While every other parent sat in the first few pews and recorded their child, I sat in the very back pew and shoveled vanilla wafers down the trio's throat. I didn't want to block the aisle with the double stroller and I didn't trust them enough to all sit in a pew. Truthfully, they were great like they always are, but I still couldn't focus on any of the preschoolers.

This was my view during Jackson's performance. Needless to say, I was unable to capture any cute video or photos of Jack. They sang Jingle Bells and Joy to the World. Maddie danced in my lap. Amelia clapped. James tried to sing along.

I did have a great view of the two year olds going up the aisle for the nativity. My favorite was the shepherd, who pulled a sheep (aka old school dog toy on a red string, covered in cotton balls). The Joseph looked so small walking down the aisle, though I'm sure he was the same size Jackson was last year when he played Joseph.

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The following evening I took Jackson to church for our live nativity. Some of my teens from youth group were actors. There were also donkeys, sheep, a ram, and an alpaca.

Jackson and I bundled up together in one seat during the performance. He kept asking, "Is that a real baby?" We took an up-close look afterwards to confirm that it was just a doll.

The highlight of the evening for Jack was petting the animals and sipping authentic Mexican hot chocolate.

During both nativity plays, Jackson identified each Biblical person. After so much energy spent on Santa and Elf on the Shelf, I really enjoyed being able to sit with him and discuss the true meaning of Christmas.

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