
Monday, January 5, 2015

Return of Routine

We lost any glimmer of a routine over the past two weeks while Jesse was on winter break. With all the rearranging, organizing, and family gatherings, I can't remember cooking a single dinner. It seems like all the holidays stretched into days worth of meals. As a night owl, I allowed myself to stay awake until well after midnight, then sleep until 8:30. With every aspect of life off schedule, I wasn't sure what to expect today. We had a relatively smooth day. Jackson doesn't go to school on Mondays, so we were able to take our time this morning. He didn't freak out when Jesse left for work this morning, which seemed like a likely event.

The trio have been eating at the table in their room. The first thing Maddie does when I take her out of her crib is sit down in her chair and pat the table, waiting for food. (For those concerned about feeding them on carpet, I vacuum after breakfast. The cleanup is so much easier than moving three high chairs, sweeping, and mopping.) 

My priority for the day was going to the library to return books and pay fines. We accumulated $30 worth of library fines, mostly due to water damage from Jesse's book. I like to go to the library during story time, but not actually go to story time. It's the only time the kids area is deserted and my kids can actually play without getting trampled and I avoid the standard "Are they triplets?" interview.

After the library we returned home for lunch and nap time. James and Amelia chose not to nap. Now that their cribs are touching, they like to giggle, put their hands through the crib slats, and toss blankets back and forth.

After our failed nap we headed to the rec center for open gym. When we pulled into the parking lot, Jackson was excited to see several workers on the roof of the rec center. Unfortunately, they were on the roof because it was leaking and the gym was closed. Boo! The five of us crammed into the playroom along with the dozen other parents and children who had planned to go to open gym.

While not ideal, the kids still had fun...

...until five seconds after the above photo was taken and Jackson busted his lip on the purple step. I couldn't tell if he had knocked his teeth out because there was so much blood coming from his mouth. Another mom ran to get ice and paper towels. Jackson was so scared because he kept wiping his mouth and his arm would have more blood on it. He asked, "What did I do? Make it stop!" 

After a traumatic fifteen minutes, he was in the recliner at home eating ice cream.

The trio played fairly well together. They are still in the fighting/pushing stage, but they are also starting to give each other hugs and kisses. Maddie's latest hobby is to give me (or her MiMi) bows to put on her. She even handed me my phone, smiled really big, and said, "eeze". Her cuteness only grows.

This last picture is not from today, but it's a pretty typical shot of Mama Millie playing. She loves pushing her strollers around full of babies or siblings.

The trio took one more nap while I cleaned and cooked dinner. It felt good to have some semblance of order. Let's just hope Jackson transitions back to school smoothly tomorrow morning.

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