
Monday, January 19, 2015

Soaking up the Sun in January

60 degrees in January? We'll take it!

Since Jesse had the day off, we were able to spend several hours outside together as a complete family. We met up with mom friends for a play date at the park. I have given up on taking the kids to this particular park by myself. It's too open and impossible to keep them safe. With the help of Jesse and friends, each kid was able to explore at his/her own pace.

After an hour we loaded the kids back into the van, stopped for some ice cream, then continued driving for a spontaneous visit with MiMi. We had a rough start between Amelia rolling down the hill and Maddie screaming in terror from the dog. Things settled down quickly and we enjoyed the warm sunshine while walking the dog.

I needed a calm Monday since our next few days are filled with appointments, shots, and lots of waiting. Ready or not, here we come.

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