
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Growing in Faith

You know you have an awesome youth group when you're willing to lay down in the mud to take a picture. 

Today was an exciting church milestone for both Jackson and I. For the first time in many months, our entire family attended church together.

This morning was the first time Jackson stayed with us for "grown up church" rather than going to the nursery. Jackson did a great job in the pews during the first third of the service. Jesse took him up to the front of the church for the children's sermon. Jackson did not participate, but he did join the circle during the children's prayer. We had hoped Jackson would go to children's chapel afterwards, but he chose to go to the nursery because he wanted to play with his siblings. Baby steps...

My milestone was getting installed and ordained as en elder. Elders in the Presbyterian Church serve as the governing body of the congregation. They are the behind-the-scenes people who delegate tasks, lead committees, and ensure that things run smoothly. This leadership position is one that I do not take lightly. Beyond the day-to-day tasks, elders also represent the church body. Just in the past week the elders have had an opportunity to vote on gay marriage in our Presbytery, as well as lead an anointing service for a terminally ill member (upon his request).

The ordination and installation was especially meaningful to me because it's one of the only times in our church that we conduct a laying of the hands. There's something very moving to kneel before God and know that dozens of people have my back (literally and figuratively). It is outside of my comfort zone, which is practically a guarantee that I will learn and grow throughout my term on session. In the training sessions thus far, God has already challenged me to examine what kind of Christian example I am setting as a mother.

I am in awe at how God is working though our family!

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