
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Snow Day (For Real This Time)

We were awoken at 5 a.m. by an unexpected phone call from the superintendent issuing a two hour delay for schools. Two hours later, Jackson came running in our room, saying, "It's snowing!" An hour later, school had been cancelled and we were all bundling up to go play outside.

The triplets do not share the same love of snow as their mama. Oy. We lasted all of four minutes before all three were crying and ready to go inside.
I didn't get any pictures of Jackson, who was playing with his ninja turtle figurines he had brought outside. I had hoped to play with Jackson once his siblings were inside, considering he was the only one who tolerated the snow. He opted to go to work with Jesse for a few hours. Back inside everybody went.
The big boys are at work, while James, Amelia, and Maddie watch the snow (and the stray cat) from the comfort of the living room.

Fingers crossed that there's school tomorrow!

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