
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Valentine Celebration at School

I have been really into Valentine's this year! I wanted to make a fun, non-candy Valentine for Jackson's classmates, so off to Pinterest I went. I decided on one with Play-Doh and a cookie cutter that said "Valentine, you were cut out for me." I found a Play-Doh set of 8 colors for $5 at Ross. Two days later, shit hit the fan at preschool and we decided to unenroll Jack. 

Jackson's new class has 11 students. I didn't want to buy another pack of PlayDoh and I was pretty apathetic about the valentines since Jackson would only spend four hours with his new classmates before their party. I decided to keep the PlayDoh and buy a $2 set of Captain America valentines instead. I knew Jackson would love them because there were tattoos and stickers included. I also had leftover fruit rolls up from the snack bags. Jackson got to work on stuffing everything into these Valentine bags I found in the attic. 

After a few minutes, Jack's assistant climbed in the chair beside him to join the assembly line.

My role was quality control (aka make sure there was one of each item inside each bag), and seal with tape. (I completely drew a blank and asked Jesse, "Do you think the kids would cut themselves on staples?". Of course he replied, "Do we not have tape?" Duh...)

Having zero investment in the new teachers, I stuffed a clear jar with Hershey Kisses and Hugs and cut up a piece of scrapbook paper to put inside it. Voila.

I didn't get much chance to inquire about Jackson's party at school because we rushed home to host our own party. (Again, I had planned the play date before we suddenly switched preschools. I would not have planned two parties back-to-back.) He was excited to show me all the candy. I tried to read the cards to learn the names of his new classmates, but he was more interested in sorting and storing the candy.

One of the things I love about his new school is there is an online calendar that lists daily events. It is updated weekly so I am able to ask Jackson when I pick him up about certain events that he would most likely fail to mention otherwise. On Monday one of the events was "Love you to the Moon and Back". He told me he painted and made a ladder. This adorable craft was in his folder on Wednesday.

Even though the only thing Jackson did was paint the paper blue and glue things down, I thought it was such a fun, creative keepsake. I love that the teachers took the time to do this with the students.

When I told Jackson last week that he was going to a new school, he looked at me and said, "But what about my Valentine's party?" My heart sunk. A week made a huge difference. I am so relieved that Jackson was able to celebrate and have fun with his new class. It has been an easy transition for both of us.

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