
Sunday, March 22, 2015

Easy Patriotic Cake

A good friend of mine was hosting a party to celebrate her husband becoming a US citizen. She wanted to make a red, white, and blue cake, but does not find baking as enjoyable as I do. The cake she wanted was simple so I volunteered to make it. The only challenge to the cake was getting a deep red and blue color for the layers. Rather than struggle to get the right color, I cheated and used these cake mixes for the red and blue.

I was impressed with the vibrant color!

To avoid tearing up the layers and getting crumbs in the icing, I always flip the layers upside down. It makes it much easier to spread the icing and creates a smooth surface.

The only reason I volunteered to make this cake was because it was a simple cake with white icing. I chose to add a basic border and star to continue to red, white, and blue theme. I also baked a dozen cupcakes since it was a large party.

Here's the fun reveal once the cake was sliced open.

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