
Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Mothers Unite at Obstacle Course

The past 36 hours have felt a bit like running a marathon from one event to the next. I haven't eaten dinner with my family since Saturday. In between a few events, we squeezed in a trip to the "obstacle course park".  It's been a good six months since we went to this park, which is before the trio started walking. As always, we had so much fun! The trio followed Jackson and I through each obstacle.

We had the obstacle course park to ourselves for quite some time until an activity bus pulled up and unleashed a group of exuberant children. We walked over to the train, hoping it would be less crowded. It was overrun by tweens. Up until that point, James, Amelia, and Maddie were walking freely. I grew increasingly uncomfortable with the older kids and buckled mine back into the stroller. 

Just as I was doing this, I saw what looked like a double stroller doing a cartwheel down the hill. I watched it crash into the fence, flip over, and land upside down. I went into autopilot and screamed, "Are there children in that stroller?!". I took off running down the hill and discovered an infant and young toddler pinned underneath. The mom picked up the infant while I picked up the toddler. Jackson came down to help gather the contents of the diaper bag and purse that had been scattered everywhere. I looked up and another mom was standing beside my stroller and Maddie. There were dozens of mothers surrounding us, making sure everyone was safe. The whole scene reminded me so much of the popular formula commercial. Mothers unite!

The mother vanished with her kids before I had a chance to say anything. (Not that I had anything worth saying...) Once things calmed down, Jackson was able to play on the train.

I had three other obligations to attend to this evening, so we headed home to try and squeeze in a nap. Unfortunately the trio did not have the same plans. Oh well. At least our busyness should slow down a bit tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I love that last picture of Jack! That's crazy about the stroller.
