
Thursday, March 26, 2015

Time to Hit the Gym

After much discussion and research, we finally joined a gym last week. Jesse and I both completed T25 and other workout videos at home. We're aware that a gym membership isn't necessary to be able to exercise. However, I advocated a gym membership because I love going to classes and I desperately wanted a break from the kids for an hour a day. Plus, I absolutely hate wasting money so I would feel obligated to go workout if it was something we were spending money on.

I toured and called multiple facilities. Surprisingly, we found the YMCA to be the cheapest. Local teachers get the first two months free, in addition to a 15% discount. The most important part for me was that childcare was included for unlimited number of children. (Two of the gyms I contacted required you to pay extra for more than three children.) Jesse's biggest perk is that the gym is two minutes away from his school.

I've gone five times in the last week and I love it! Even better, the kids love it, too! The playroom is nearly as big as the workout area.

After a week, the childcare workers already know each of the kids. The lady at the desk writes their names on masking tape so all adults can call them by name. As soon as I drop the kids off, Jackson, James, and Amelia go through the half door and begin playing. Maddie still cries the first few minutes so I immediately hand her to an employee. Every time I've picked them up they've been playing and haven't noticed me. It takes them a minute to walk over. (This is the total opposite of the church nursery experience!)

Strangely, the greatest adjustment for me in regards to working out is wearing shoes. I have literally worn flip flops every day for the past two years. I really despise shoes, and I think my feet have gotten bigger after having the trio. There may be a new pair of shoes in my future.

On the days that I've been unable to get to the gym in time for a class, I've spent 45 minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on weights. Every cardio machine has it's own TV. I bought ear buds and have been watching infomercials while I exercise. Over the course of three days, I averaged 41 minutes for a 5k. It's hard to believe this is the same body that ran a half marathon in 2.5 hours.

So far I have taken a cardio dance class and a Zumba class. The cardio dance instructor was totally unprepared and kept stopping because she got mixed up on the steps. Most of the moves weren't even on beat with the music. The Zumba instructor was fantastic! She's Brazilian (actually from an area in which Jesse and I did a mission trip) which means her hips move in ways mine never will. To my elation, she requested to take a group photo after the class for her Facebook page. 

Can you tell I was simply trying to resume normal breathing patterns?
Jesse is still tweaking his routine. He doesn't have to be at work until after 8, so waking up at 6 a.m. still gives him plenty of time to drive to the gym, workout for an hour, shower, and go to school. He's done a variety of cardio and weights. 

Post workout selfie
In addition to workout out five days a week, we've both been eating much better. About 80% of our diet this week has been wheat-free and no refined sugars. I'm *hoping* these are manageable steps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Dare I ask how old your shoes are? Do they still sell shoes like that? ;)
    Super happy you are working out consistently in an environment that allows you to actually focus on the work out! YAY!

    1. They are at least 8 years old. I know I wore them in college and on every mission trip.

  2. Way to go! As soon as my pay raise kicks in I'm on my way to the Y!!

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