
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Updates from the Week

Yesterday was another warm, sunny afternoon. We met up with several friends after school at the park. It's so much easier going to the park with friends who can help me chase after James, Amelia, and Maddie.
Today was not so warm, and definitely not sunny. Jackson and I still took time to play outside.

We then headed to the museum. I knew it was going to be crowded when the parking lot and first two levels of the parking deck were full. Then I saw the five school buses parked on the corner. We had to step over three different piles of vomit along the sidewalk. I seriously thought about turning around, but I couldn't justify loading everyone back into the van and driving home.

We only stayed 45 minutes before we were overwhelmed by the loud, rambunctious crowds. I tend to do the same things every week, and have become familiar with the people around us at the museum, rec center, library, etc. Today was the first time in a while that I've been bombarded with 500 "You've got your hands full. Are those triplets? They don't all belong to you, do they? You're one busy lady!" comments.

We took refuge in a few secluded areas (the doctor's office, boat, and vet's office). We spent a few minutes in the craft area before James attempted to paint himself while Amelia pulled out a bottle of glue.
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I'm still chucking away at my 40 Bags in 40 Days list. I'll make a separate post for that in a few days once I have more progress pictures.

The only other update is my small group session ended tonight. I'm taking a break until a new one begins this summer. Our church mixes up small groups four times a year so we can get to know a lot of people really well. This has been my favorite small group yet so it was bittersweet for it to end. 

The next several days are jam packed with a playdate, youth group movie night, birthday party, baby shower, cooking dinner for homeless, family photos for church directory, and dinner with a friend. Ready or not, here we go!

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