
Friday, March 13, 2015

What Lazy Days Look Like

About once every two weeks, I find that I need a whole day at home. The only requirements are 
  1. Stay home
  2. Wear pajamas
  3. Avoid human contact
Even though I love going out and being around other people, I am definitely an introvert. I get overwhelmed and exhausted after so many consecutive days of running all over town.

We spent Thursday in our pajamas. The weather was perfect; I was able to leave the back door open all day. I can't tell you how much easier it is to be able to let the kids move freely between the backyard and downstairs. The sunshine put everyone in a better mood. We even ate lunch outside.

Even on this "lazy" day, I still needed to:

  • do three loads of laundry (wash, dry, fold, put away)
  • cook, serve, and clean-up breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 5+ people
  • sweep and mop
  • load and unload the dishwasher
  • take out trash and recycling
I didn't have a schedule to follow and I was able to get caught up on household chores at my own pace. The trio took their first good nap of the week. Jackson spent hours playing outside. It was exactly what we needed! 

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