
Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Egg Hunts (1 and 2)

Yesterday was the egg hunt and picnic lunch at Jackson's school. Since Jesse teaches in a different county where Jackson goes to school, their spring breaks did not happen to be the same week. It was nice to be able to attend the egg hunt as a family. I was especially thankful I had Jesse to help with the trio since I was in charge of the desserts.

Jackson's teacher lined the class up and reminded them to only collect twelve eggs.

Jackson put 15 eggs in his basket in under a minute. We had to make him count the eggs and put some back.

I brought spare eggs to hide for the trio to find. All of the kids sat with Jesse and emptied their eggs.

Then we enjoyed our picnic lunch. James grew increasingly fussy after he ate. We were one of the first families to leave because James was so exhausted and kept crying

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Fast Forward a Day - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our adventure for the day was to attend the "Eggnormous Twilight Easter Scramble". A friend of a friend compared the event last year to the Hunger Games. I wasn't quite sure what to expect. We rushed through dinner so we could arrive at the park by 6 pm. The traffic was so congested, we should have realized then how crowded the event would be. We had to park a block away.

The egg "scramble" was chaotic and organized at the same time. There were several rounds for each age range. Ages two and under got to go first. As soon as the announcer said "go" it was like unleashing the bloodhounds. The toddlers were sweet, but the parents were running around, shoving eggs in their kids' baskets. James, Amelia, and Maddie each got two eggs before we walked off the field.

They were especially excited to discover the smarties inside the eggs.

It took less than two minutes for the toddlers (*parents*) to clear the field. The volunteers distributed another several thousand eggs. After several minutes, the countdown began for the 3-4 year old egg hunt. The trio were less than thrilled that they had to stay behind while Jackson and Jesse charged the field.

Jackson collected several eggs, then returned with Jesse off the field.

The event advertised free inflatables, face painting, cotton candy, temporary tattoos, visits with the Easter bunny, and over 25,000 prize eggs. It did not disappoint. 

This was the first year Jackson was excited to see the Easter bunny. 

The girls, on the other hand, were terrified at the mere sight of him.

James was straight faced as usual. 

Everything required waiting in lines, but time was the only price we had to pay. Jackson enjoyed the bounce house.

I told Jackson he was not allowed to eat all of the cotton candy. A few minutes later, he had devoured the entire thing. Oh well.

The only thing that cost money was kettle corn. We could not resist. 

By the time we hiked back to the van, it was nearly 8 pm. We returned home to a mess of a house with four exhausted kids. It didn't take long for us to settle down for the evening.

Our fun evening is just a warm up for Round 3 of Easter festivities on Saturday.

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