
Sunday, April 26, 2015

The Rest of the Weekend

After the 30 Hour Famine, I returned home to a house full of family members. We made plans to celebrate Jesse's mom's birthday, as well as his aunt. Thankfully my mother-in-law wanted hot dogs, which didn't require any prep work. I purchased all of the food on Thursday morning and made the requested lemon pound cake on Friday morning. That way Jesse just had to grill the hot dogs, put the chili on the stove, and combine the slaw "kit" I bought. 

For a variety of reasons, everyone seemed to be a bit stressed or overwhelmed about different things. We still managed to have a pleasant evening together. 

I absolutely love that my aunt and mother-in-law share a birthday week and were able to celebrate their birthdays together. I hope my sisters and I can continue to do this in 20+ years.

The older cousins played and ate, while the younger ones were fed and held by the adults.

Thirty minutes after everyone left, Amelia threw up in her crib. Over the next several hours, James threw up numerous times and had "the worst diaper" Jesse has ever changed. He required a bath after his third round of vomiting and diarrhea. After changing the crib sheets so many times, we finally laid down towels.

Between the night we had and the amount of time I spent at church this weekend, I didn't even consider going to church this morning. Everyone had a lazy morning. No one else got sick today, though James was quite weak and needed lots of cuddles throughout the day. Jackson and Jesse ran errands while I took a two hour nap and the trio slept for three hours. Then Jesse stayed home with the kids while I made the rounds at multiple grocery stores. We are stocked and ready for the week. Let's hope it's a relaxed and healthy one.

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