
Friday, May 1, 2015

April: Month in Review

April was another busy month. Over the last few weeks, our family celebrated/attended:

  • 4 Easter Egg Hunts
  • 2 Easter dinners with family
  • Sleepover with my nieces
  • Jackson's birthday (2 parties)
  • Fire Station tour
  • Discovery Place Museum
  • Free ice cream at Ben & Jerry's
  • Outdoor Worship Service and Picnic
  • 3 Doctor's Appointments for Jackson (double pink eye, sinuses, eye allergies, 4 year well check)
  • Police Station tour
  • Multiple afternoons at the park
  • 3 family birthday dinners (MiMi, niece, brother-in-law)
  • Strawberry Picking at Patterson Farms
  • Day at Transportation Museum
  • Bonnie: 30 Hour Famine, Book Club, Bunco night, friends' joint birthday
  • Jesse: Spring Break, new principal, bomb threat, comic book club, multiple athletic events

Of course, each of the previously mentioned items have had their own blog post. Some of the lesser known things that happened during the month are:

  • The kids have had upset tummies for many days. I had to pick Jackson up from school one day after a particularly rough round of diarrhea. The trio have had their share of foul diapers, especially James. We've restarted regular probiotics.
  • One of my Wheat Belly blog posts from last year was randomly featured on the OFFICIAL Wheat Belly Facebook page by Dr. Davis (or more likely, someone on his team). The post received over 5,000 views in a 24 hour period.  While I'm glad I "inspired" other people, I feel like a fraud considering I didn't maintain the lifestyle longer than four months.

  • I only read one book the entire month of April. This puts me behind schedule for my two books a month challenge. That makes 7/24 books for the year.
  • Amelia has ended up in our bed almost every night this month. We've tried to let her cry it out, but it causes Jesse and I to be wide awake, as well as James and Maddie. I don't know what the cause of her waking is and I know we're creating a bad habit, but quickly putting her in our bed causes everyone to lose the least amount of sleep. Minus the fact that she turns herself sideways, she's a good sleeper.

  • Jesse and I have consistently gone to the gym 3-4 times each week. Jesse goes in the mornings before work. Even with sleeping until 6 a.m. he still has time to drive, workout, shower, and get to work half an hour early. I prefer exercise classes and usually take the kids with me on Monday and Thursday mornings, as well as a Monday and Wednesday evening class.
  • Despite working out, our diet has only gotten worse with constant cravings for sweets. Our sugar addiction is real. My latest love is Nutella. 

  • I earned my first paycheck for both blogging (Google AdSense) and as a published writer. Don't be jealous...the Google payout from the last FOUR months was $10! Thankfully one of the writing pieces I published generated a decent amount of traffic, which caused a more substantial check. 
  • The trio surprised me the last time we went to the indoor gym by climbing to the entire top of the structure!

That sums up the lesser known facts from the month.

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