
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Memorial Day Cookout

Jesse and I invited his side of the family over for a cookout this evening. Everyone brought food, so we had quite the spread of hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, mac-n-cheese, slaw, chili, chips, watermelon, and multiple desserts. I was excited that the flag cake I made did indeed resemble a flag. I'll post a tutorial tomorrow.

The youngest family member, baby Davis, isn't going to be a baby for much longer. He was climbing on top of James and even pulled out James' pacifier. 

The two oldest boys dressed up, ran around, and ate lots of sweets.

It seems that we all have a weakness for cake. The girls leached onto whoever would feed them bites of cake or ice cream.

Jesse started a fire so the boys could roast marshmallows.

Once again, the girls continued to beg for food. They enjoyed their Nutella s'mores.

After we couldn't possibly eat anymore, everyone played in the yard or sat on the deck.

Tonight was exactly how a summer evening should be spent: grilling, eating watermelon and ice cream, and sitting outside with family. With only three more weeks left of school, I yearn for the flexibility and freedom of summer days spent with the family. Summer has unofficially begun!

1 comment:

  1. It was an awesome evening! Thank you and Jesse for always being such great hosts....
