
Saturday, May 9, 2015

Nature Museum & Freedom Park

This is another picture heavy post. I've taken 200 pictures in the last three days, so I'm struggling to narrow them down. Here are some of my favorites from our Saturday together at the park.

As you likely know, our entertainment selection is determined by cost. There were two free events today: The Carolina Aviation Museum or the Charlotte Nature Museum. I asked Jackson this morning if he wanted to go sit inside planes or visit animals and the obstacle course. He chose the latter.

The kids had never been to the nature museum. It's a hefty $8 admission fee (per person), but today was Teacher Appreciation Day. The best part about the museum is it's located beside Freedom Park (aka "obstacle course park"). We parked at the park rather than the museum. The playground is definitely not designed for toddlers, so I've never let the trio play on it. They were able to roam around since both Jesse and I were there.

While walking along the lake, Jackson became increasingly whiny so we stopped for a snack. I have no clue what happened, but James started crying inconsolably. It took him over two hours (right before we returned home) to fully recover.

The museum was interesting, but I would never pay to go inside it. We saw lots of insects, reptiles, skeletons, and taxidermied mammals.

Amelia developed an unusual bond with one of the snakes. It continued to follow her finger as she moved it across the glass.

There was a cool kids area with tunnels that kids could "burrow" through and a water table with various toy reptiles.

James stayed in the stroller almost the entire time. He showed no interest in any of the exhibits. There was a random chicken in the butterfly garden. James was unimpressed.

The girls were intrigued by the butterflies and kept trying to grab them.

Our final stop at the nature museum was the outdoor play area. James had a brief surge in energy before becoming even more upset. The outdoor area includes one of those new-age playgrounds where there's no traditional equipment but lots of natural materials. We would have spent a lot more time on the trails and playground if James was in a better mood.

We walked back to the park for a picnic lunch at the lake.

One of my only goals from the day was to get a picture with all of the kids. This was the best one. Eh...pretty typical, I suppose.

And a "couple selfie" by the lake just because...

Our final stop was the train, 

then the NFL obstacle course. Jackson loved having his Daddy race through the course with him.

In the last ten minutes, James finally started acting like himself, running around and playing. Better late than never...

I was able to capture this sweet moment with Jesse and the kids walking back to the van. We've got big kids on our hands!

We still managed to go home, nap, run errands, grocery shop, and have Jesse's mom over for dinner. It was a busy, enjoyable day.

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