
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Thursdays on Main

We spent another pleasant summer day outside. There is a concert series every Thursday in May and June at a local park. Several of my friends met at the park to enjoy adult company while our kids played. The lawn is completely shaded, which made for a relaxing picnic lunch on our blankets. Here's just our group of friends:

The musicians played a variety of country, bluegrass, and rock covers. Maddie was captivated by the people line dancing and playing music.

One of the city workers passed around instruments for all the kids to play. The trio started dancing and shaking their instruments.

Jackson and his friends took their drumming very seriously.

I'm always distracted when I'm with the kids, but they were entertained and safe so I could actually maintain conversations with my friends. Between all the moms, we had cars, superheroes, coloring books, bubbles, and sidewalk chalk for the kids to play with.

We stayed long after the musicians left. It was such a family friendly event and location. Our afternoon was filled with laughter, dancing, singing, eating, and playing.

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