
Friday, May 22, 2015

"Where Did You Go Today?"

For the past several Tuesdays, I have attended weekly Transitional Committee meetings at my church. Our pastor of 14 years will be leaving in three weeks, so the committee has been meeting to find pulpit supply pastors, write a job description, interview interim pastors, etc. While waiting for the meeting to begin, one of my fellow church members asked me, "Where did you go today?" This struck me as such an odd question. She didn't ask, "How are you doing today?" or "How is everyone at your house?" I guess that goes to show that we're known for always going somewhere. 

So, here is where we went every day the last week.

Last Friday
The kids never left the house on Friday because I needed to spend time prepping for Youth Sunday. Friday evening was spent at the church rehearsing and finalizing the details.

Jesse and I took the kids shopping at a thrift store, then drove to Jesse's parents for a picnic lunch and afternoon with the family.

Saturday evening
After an hour and a half of downtime, we drove to visit my side of the family for my niece's birthday. The kids love playing with their cousins. I was quite surprised when my brother gave me an unfrosted cake with some icing and asked me to decorate it with a Hawaiian beach theme. I did the best I could do with the time and resources.

The entire family attended Youth Sunday. Jackson participated in the children's sermon for the first time.

After church I drove 40 minutes to take my niece to see Pitch Perfect 2. It had plenty of laughs, but did not compare to the first movie.

After dropping Jackson off at preschool, the trio and I found a trail to walk and explore.

Tuesday morning
I took the kids to the children's museum where we visited weekly for over a year. It had been a month or more since we played at this museum. When I pulled into the parking lot, Jackson threw a tantrum, saying, "I want to go to the new museum. This museum is for babies!"

For the first time ever, we went to the museum's outdoor area. This new discovery turned Jackson's bad attitude around.

We played in our usual spots as well, but left after an hour.

Tuesday afternoon
We attended a playdate at a friend's house to see her baby chickens. After playing in the chicken coop and chasing the chicks, we played in her extravagant playroom, then Jackson went ziplining in their back yard!

I took the trio to another park to play on the playground and walk around the trails.

After spending the morning at Jackson's end of year program, we spent the afternoon at home playing upstairs, downstairs, and in the backyard.

We spent the morning at a backyard playdate with some of our friends. There were several water tables and buckets of water with paintbrushes out for all of the kids to play with. I stripped James and Amelia down since they can be rowdy around water. 

I didn't take any pictures, but after the playdate, we drove to my sister's house for lunch and time to play with cousins, then spent the late afternoon at my other sister's house. It was a long, fun Friday.

Now that I'm all caught up, I hope to resume daily blogging.

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