
Tuesday, June 9, 2015


This morning we had another splash park playdate, this time at Birkdale. I definitely underestimated the amount of time it would take for me to dress three kids in swim diapers and bathing suits, make/pack five lunches, and pack a bag with towels and four clean outfits. Thankfully, I overestimated the amount of time it would take to get to Birkdale with the new interstate right by our house. Hooray for drive times cut in half!

This particular community is nostalgic for me because it is where I worked one summer as a nanny. At the time I cared for two year old twins and a three year old. I would have never thought that ten years later, I would be the one with so many young children at the splash pad and ice cream shop.

Per usual, the boys had a blast, whereas the girls sat with my friends and I. I didn't take many pictures this time because I was too busy cuddling with my favorite two-week old baby girl!

There's a Ben & Jerry's across the street so I let the kids get ice cream. I haven't baked or bought any treats since starting Whole30, so I thought it would be fun for the kids to have a sweet treat. I asked the employee if I could get a kiddie cup serving with two extra cups. For whatever reason he would not do that and kept insisting that he could only divide a small cup three ways. Eventually, I won the battle and the trio each had their own tiny portion of ice cream. They were so excited. Jackson kept spinning the wheel and asking me to read what ice cream he won. Funny kids!

James may have thrown a crazy tantrum when I threw his empty cup away, but we'll just pretend that part didn't happen. It was a fun summer day with friends. Only two more days until Jesse is home for the the next two months. 

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