
Monday, August 24, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jesse

Friday was Jesse's 29th birthday. Jesse claims he's not a fan of birthday celebrations. Every year he insists that "Grown men don't have birthday parties." I normally throw a party anyway, but decided to follow his wishes this year. (Mostly because there was a LOT going on with our families the week before and after his birthday, and because we will definitely have a party next year for his 30th, whether he wants to or not!) 

James was up crying at 6 am. He never went back to sleep, which was a good excuse for me to make a breakfast casserole while Jesse slept in a little bit. Maddie was still sleeping when he left. The rest of us sang "Happy Birthday" and helped Jesse blow out his candles. (because everyone puts candles in breakfast casserole, right?)

Our lunch plans changed a few times. We originally planned on bringing lunch to Jesse's school, though Jesse ended up going out to lunch with his teammates. The kids and I brought carrot cake. They were so funny sitting in desks like big kids, eating their lunch.

They happily raced around the hallway.

We sang again, then ate cake.

Jesse had a 2+ hour long meeting that sucked the fun out of his afternoon. He picked up Chinese food on the way home (his request) and his mom came over with gifts and cupcakes.

Amelia was clearly sick and not acting like herself at all. Amelia and the birthday boy crashed on the couch before 7 pm. Jesse got his second wind after the kids went to bed, but I was too exhausted to join him. He wrapped up his birthday festivities with beer and Netflix in solitude, which was what he requested all along.

Happy birthday, Jesse! We love you more than we could ever put into words!

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