
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Kids Eat Free

Our planned meal this evening was fish and broccoli. No one was in the mood for it, so Jesse suggested we go to Denny's. Not only do kids eat free on Tuesdays, but it's two kids per paying adult. This was the first time we sat in a booth. James sat stood beside me; Maddie sat with Jesse, and Amelia sat in a high chair on the end. We weren't sure how they would behave, but dinner went so smoothly. We ordered four different kids meals and divided it up so everyone had quite the buffet of food. It was almost disturbing how much they ate! Our six meals were under $15. 

We've made the habit of playing outside immediately after dinner until bedtime. Since we were already out, we took the kids to the park until bedtime. It was a fun change of pace and wore the kids out.

I don't know why, but I feel like weeknights must have rigid structure. Tonight was somewhat eye opening for me to realize I don't necessarily have to cook dinner every night, and we can take the kids out for the evening and still be able to resume a normal bedtime routine. Of course I prefer to cook and save money, but it's nice to know that we have the option to go out to eat every once in a while, even on a weeknight.

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting about your evenings, especially given how open-to-anything your days are. Glad for a fun night out!
