
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Two Year Well Check

This post is long overdue! It's been in draft mode for the past five weeks. The reason I never published it is because I never got the printout of the kids' measurements. Even though it's supposedly online, they still haven't updated the "encounter list" with correct information. I took Amelia for a sick visit this afternoon and asked the receptionist to look up their 2-year stats while we were there. Here's our experience at the trio's 2 year well check, over a month ago:

Even at 2 years old, our office still requires kids be weighed naked. While that's a pain, it went much more smoothly than their previous well check because 
1. Jesse was with me.
2. James and Amelia could reliably stand on the big scale rather than have to lie down on the baby scale. Maddie could have stood on it, but she is never cooperative with doctors.

I always like to include a history of their growth, just to get a whole picture of how they've grown. Here are their most recent measurements:

6 lbs, 12 oz
20.5 in
6 lbs, 2 oz
20 in
5 lbs, 9 oz
18 in
4 Months
13 lbs, 5 oz
12 lbs
9 lbs
23. 75”
6 Months
15 lbs, 7 oz
14 lbs, 9 oz
11 lbs
9 Months
17 lbs, 6 oz
16 lbs, 11 oz
13 lbs, 5 oz
12 Months
21 lbs, 15 oz
20 lbs, 9 oz
17 lbs, 4 oz
15 Months
24 lbs, 13 oz
22 lbs, 14 oz
20 lbs, 9 oz
18 Months
25 lbs, 8 oz
24 lbs
21 lbs, 10 oz
2 Years
28 lbs
27 lbs
24 lbs, 6 oz

Their check up was quick (as in under two hours) and straight forward. 
It was noted that all three are speech delayed, though they're already receiving weekly speech therapy. (Well, they were. We're still in the process of finding another SLP since our previous one was reassigned to the school systems.)
The pediatrician recommended we eliminate daytime pacifier use which we already planned on doing. (That has yet to happen. Oops!
Since we've exhausted all the oils, ointments, and steroid creams for Maddie's skin, the pediatrician said he would refer us to a dermatologist. (Nothing ever came of that. We never received a referral, nor did we approach the office again. Maddie's skin isn't great, but it's just dry, not cracked or bleeding.)

James found intense gratification in going through the trash and pulling the paper off the exam table throughout the entire visit.

Maddie cried throughout her exam. Unfortunately, this is typical for her.

I knew the kids were up-to-date on shots, but I didn't realize they had to have a blood test to check lead levels. James and Maddie cried while their fingers were pricked. Oddly, Amelia was not only calm, but happy.

She was so curious and seemed to enjoy watching the nurse massage the blood from her finger into the tiny vile. 

James and Maddie picked out stickers after the exam, whereas Amelia wanted the nurses' vile. The nurse was so impressed with Amelia. She ran and grabbed her a clean vile for Amelia to take home. All four kids were allowed to pick out lollipops.

The trio's next well check isn't until next July. I'm praising God once again for four healthy children!

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