
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Park, Pirate, PaPa, & Panties

Isn't alliteration so satisfying?! 

Saturday morning the kids and I met up with a half dozen of my former colleagues and their kids for a park playdate. It was nice to get quick updates on one another and see the many families together. Unfortunately, I'm only capable of distracted adult conversation at large parks, since I spend more time following the kids' leads. Jackson made it a little easier for me by being such a helpful big brother. He gravitated towards Maddie yesterday, so they were inseparable.

James kept yelling at me to go on the "choo choo".

Once inside, James and Amelia climbed to the window. Maddie and Jackson continued to be adorable together.

All of the kids were expressing interest in the obstacle course, so we migrated and found a shady spot. The obstacle course is much more toddler friendly than the playground, so I didn't have to chase after the trio. Once upon a time Jackson used to attend playdates with these boys when they were babies and young toddlers. Oh, how much has changed in a few years, for all of our families.

Several of my friends went out for lunch afterwards, but we had other plans. I was browsing through social media on my phone right before we left the house for the park. I just so happened to see the "Dress Like a Pirate Day" picture from last year at Krispy Kreme. I checked the website to confirm it was Pirate Day. Jesse loaded the kids in the van for me while I ran upstairs, sifted through Jackson's dress up bin, and grabbed the exact same ensemble he wore last year.

The closest Krispy Kreme to us is over 30 minutes away, but it was only a few minutes away from the park. Much to my surprise, there was no line when we arrived. It was as if our free dozen doughnuts were meant to be! Jackson was so excited to dress up and eat his "hot now" doughnut. James, Amelia, and Maddie were exhausted, but they enjoyed their half doughnuts before falling asleep on the drive home.

Jesse had lunch waiting for us when we finally returned home. All six of us ended up taking a nap before MiMi and PaPa arrived with dinner. Jesse's dad had a whole evening of beautification planned. He brought everything necessary to give the kids pretend hair cuts and make-up. All four eagerly took turns in PaPa's lap.

Jesse's mom brought cereal, toys, and underwear. This is what the girls did with their panties. Clearly potty training is not in our immediate future!

After spending most of the week sick and stuck at home, it was a very busy, highly entertaining Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. It was great seeing you on Saturday. My mom commented today how sweet and protective Jackson was. Adorable big brother!
