
Friday, September 11, 2015

"Quack Quack, Eat!"

I was hoping to post an update about speech services, but our weekly session was cancelled today. After our old SLP was reassigned to the school system, we had four solid weeks without any services. Last week was our first session with our new SLP. It went really well, but I received a text early this morning that our new SLP was sick. Bummer!

Instead of rushing home for speech, I took the kids to the park right by Jackson's preschool. It's been uncomfortably humid this week, so mornings are the only enjoyable time to be outside. 

I brought a quarter to feed the ducks. James was very excited to get the food.

All three of them kept yelling, "Quack quack, eat! Come on! Eat, quack quack."

The ducks and geese were a great source of entertainment and topic of conversation. I led the toddlers to another shaded area with large rocks. I honestly don't know what Amelia was laughing at in this picture, but she joyfully played and climbed. 

Maddie was so sweet and cautious on the rocks. She held out her hand and would whisper, "I want help. Up, please."

You would think James would be the most eager climber since he's a big boy and can be impulsive. He was hesitant and crawled backwards when he didn't feel as confident. Amelia conquered all of the rocks. She's most likely to be the athlete of the family.

We walked back towards the van, stopping at the playground. The picture below might seem like an outtake, but it's most assuredly not. The play structure was quite high and required a lot of climbing to reach the top slide. Amelia was so fast and strong, she kept lapping James and Maddie. She started to push Maddie out of the way, so I scolded her and said she needed to wait. Maddie was showing fatigue but wanted to go down the slide again. I asked Amelia to help her. Maddie already had one leg up on the ladder so Amelia lifted Maddie and hoisted her up top, then pushed her down the slide.

I love our laid-back mornings together!

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