
Friday, October 2, 2015

Road Resurfacing

For the past two weeks, the kids and I have spent hours sitting in the driveway watching every construction vehicle you can think of working on our road. Apparently our road was scheduled for resurfacing, though it was already in fine shape. The road crews caused a few headaches and delays in trying to get out of the neighborhood and avoid being late to pick up Jackson. However, they were a great source of entertainment for the kids.

When it wasn't raining, we ate our lunch outside and watched the workers.

Many of the workers honked horns and waved at us in a friendly gesture. I'm sure they enjoyed having a fan club. We read construction books and looked at pictures of concrete mixers, steam rollers, bulldozers, and more. Then we saw them in action first hand!

We made the mistake of walking on the tar and getting our feet black. The girls brought rags out and sang "Clean up. Clean up." as they brushed the gravel off the driveway.

We even went for a walk to see the machines at work.

At last, the road is repaved and the crews are gone. Now we'll test the waters of how well the trio listen in regards to playing on our nice, smooth road. We live on a fairly quiet cul-de-sac, so there's potential to expand our play area.

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