
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Sweet Park Moments

Last Friday I took the trio to a park just a few minutes from Jackson's school. This is one of my favorite parks because it's always clean, never crowded, and almost always has dog walkers on the trails. The trio are finally at an age where they can play independently without me having to follow them. Of course, I'm still cautious with any openings, but they understand how to play safely. Amelia is always the first to overcome any physical obstacles. She quickly climbed this structure and went down the slide before James or Maddie even climbed the first few stairs.

She moves so quickly!

James was not too far behind her.

Maddie, on the other hand, was hesitant to cross the bridge. It has individual planks that move separately from another, with a few inches between each plank. Athletic Amelia zoomed past her sister a few times. Then she noticed Maddie wasn't crossing the bridge. She took her hand and simply said, "C'mon!"

With her sisters help and the safety of the railing, Maddie walked across the bridge and went down the slide.

The trio also took turns riding the "quack quack" and pushing one another. They were so silly.

The trio have never known a second of life without one another. I realize they might not stay best friends as they get older, but I'm amazed at the bond they share. Moments like this confirm how thoughtful they are of one another and what a special relationship they share.

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