
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Tuesday Sunshine

Jesse and I were up with James, Amelia, and Jackson throughout the night last night. James was unusually fussy and slept in our bed for the first time ever. James woke the girls up and Amelia wouldn't stop crying after we removed James. Jackson woke up with a nightmare and came in our room. Needless to say, we did not get a very restful night of sleep.

James was still pretty cranky throughout the day. After preschool drop off I had a meeting scheduled with the interim pastor to discuss Christian Education. We met at the church nursery, where we were only interrupted a few times thanks to content toddlers. For as few children as our church has, we have a fantastic nursery.

The next few hours were filled with impatient, hungry toddlers and a very needy James. I seriously debated leaving early to pick up Jackson and drive around so James would fall asleep. We toughed it out until pick up time. The weather was gorgeous. The preschool playground must be in a mud pit because the kids still weren't allowed to play outside. I don't like taking the kids anywhere after preschool because it pushes back the trio's naptime. However, I thought we would all benefit from some warm sunshine. I drove to the nearby park and let the kids freely on the playground.

James refused to give up his pacifier. (I couldn't take the crying anymore and gave it to him before we left the house.) He needed to be held or pushed in the wagon the whole time. Jackson assumed big brother role and held the girls' hands. I reminded him he only had to do that in the parking lot, but he said he just liked holding their hands.

Maddie noticed me taking pictures, stopped, turned around, and said, "cheese". Love her!

At some point we switched it up. The girls pulled Jackson while I carried James.

We stopped along the way to explore anything of interest. The constant rain caused giant mushrooms to grow along the path. We picked one, squeezed it, and cut it into pieces. We made predictions about what the inside would look like, then compared it to a sponge for soaking up all the water.

The sun was shining so perfectly between the trees along the lake. I held each kid on top of the rail to let them look out at the water. I'm not sure why I ended up taking so many individual pictures with the kids, but it resulted in several silly and sweet photos.

It's supposed to be another beautiful day tomorrow. Hopefully everyone will be in good moods and we can enjoy some more sunshine on a gorgeous fall day.


  1. I'm sorry for being air headed but I've just discovered your blog and I love it, how do I follow?

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