
Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Reedy Creek Nature Center

Today was Election Day, which meant the schools were closed for students. Jesse had a workday, so we were able to join him at school for lunch. The kids always enjoy their time in the classroom.

We couldn't stay long since Jesse had meetings all day. It was another rainy day and we had already spent the morning wrecking the house. I took the kids to a park that had a free nature center. When we walked in, the lady at the front desk asked if were there for the "open classroom". I had no clue what she was referencing. After a few questions, we were guided to a room with tables full of different activities. The "lesson" was about leaves. One table had leaf stamps and ink pads, another had materials for leaf rubbings, another had large books about leaves, etc. It was age appropriate, educational, and free. Triple win!

The kids did amazing at first. Unfortunately, James was too curious with the microscope. Amelia nearly climbed in the tank to touch the turtle. Maddie fell out of a chair. The "open classroom" was a bit too open for us. We made a quick exit.

Things calmed down with a change of scenery. We watched turtles and snakes in different aquariums.

We took advantage of the break in the rain by walking on the nature trail.

The kids were even able to play on the awesome playground. Though the wood was wet, the slide and houses were dry. The kids had a blast, especially Jackson and Amelia.

There are so many fun places to explore.

Maddie continued the leaf theme by hoarding as many leaves as possible. Contrary to our leaf walk around the neighborhood, this park has so many trees with different leaves. I found one leaf that was literally bigger than Jackson's head.

Jackson didn't want to look at me for a picture. Maddie jumped right in front of him and yelled, "cheeeese" until I took her photo. Silly girl!

We played until it began to rain again.

It was a fun change of pace to our usual day. We definitely made the most of a rainy day with no school. 

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