
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Sunshine At Last

Yesterday was 50 degrees and pouring rain. Today was 70 degrees with perfect blue skies. November is off to a moody start. Desperate for sunshine, I took the kids to a nearby park after picking Jackson up from school. This is the park I just discovered last month. Jackson was silly and happy as usual. 

We checked out the trail. Jackson loves hiking and assumes the role as guide, telling me which way to go and warning me of any puddles or exposed roots. As beautiful as the sky was, the ground had not caught up yet. The thick mud made it especially challenging to pull a 100+ lb wagon.

I discouraged the trio to walk because it was so muddy, but I stopped and let them out at interesting discoveries. We were all curious about the fungus-covered tree and the camouflaged granddaddy long legs.

My favorite photo of the day was of Madeline. I get to see these beautiful blue eyes everyday, but it's hard to capture them. Everyone always comments on how cute Amelia is, which is undeniable. However, Maddie's beauty is often overlooked. 

According to tomorrow's forecast, it should be another gorgeous day. Jesse has the day off for Veteran's Day, so I expect a lovely family day outdoors.

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