
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Superior Play and Planes

Yesterday Jackson said he wanted to jump on a trampoline. We have an indoor trampoline park near our house, but it costs $36 for the kids to jump for one hour. I suddenly remembered a playground warehouse that has free open play on Wednesday and Friday mornings. Our one and only visit to Superior Play was a year and a half ago. The trio weren't even walking at that time. Today was a bit challenging with kids in different directions, but they had so much fun.

I fell in love with this swing. I don't know if it's designed for one kid to swing while lying down or for multiple children, but it was perfect for our family!

There are several trampolines available for jumping. I'm not a huge fan of trampolines for toddlers, but they all just fell down on purpose and bounced.

We would have happily continued playing, but after an hour of play, James peed through his diaper and soaked his shorts. We made a relatively quiet exit, changed diapers, then drove to the airport overlook to eat our picnic lunch. The airport is halfway between the play area and home. Jackson doesn't share my love of planes, but James does! He talked nonstop and waved at each plane landing and taking off.

Amelia was mildly interested, whereas Maddie was upset about the wind. I put her jacket on her so she could cover her ears, but the hood kept blowing off. I was thankful I brought lunch so the kids had something to do while they observed the planes. 

I love this city so much!

The fact that we didn't spend a dime made the day's events that much more impressive. I'm thankful we're surrounded by so many free resources and I have the ability to take the kids anywhere.

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