
Wednesday, December 23, 2015

"2015 ABC Adventures" Photobook

I have created an 80-100 page digital family yearbook for the last four years, and will continue to do so each year. The yearbooks are created through MyPublisher and provide gorgeous documentation of our lives. They are displayed on ledges above the couch and the kids pull them down and look through them every single day. 

Several months ago I created a wedding book using MyPublisher. We already have a wedding book, but I wanted a uniform collection and it gave me the chance to include as many photos as I wanted. I even scanned in our invitation, program, and some of the receipts. The receipts are a bit odd, but I would love to look back and see how much money my mom or granny paid for their wedding dress, or what their menu was at their reception. Anyway, there was a technical delay for whatever reason. I eventually received the book, and MyPublisher sent me a free $40 voucher as well. The voucher expired in December, so I wouldn't be able to apply it to our 2015 yearbook since I wouldn't be able to include Christmas in that yearbook. I wanted to make a book the kids could actually read. Around 2 a.m. one morning, I came up with the idea to make an ABC book of our family adventures. (Yes, these are the things that keep me up at night!)

I created the book this past weekend, hence the lack of blog posts. It should arrive around New Year's. I can't wait for the kids to read it!

Here is a link to view the book

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