
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Discovery Place Kids

Jesse renewed our Discovery Place membership so we can continue to learn and play at the museum. The high temperature was in the 30's, so we definitely needed a warm place to play today. All five of us were up eating breakfast by 7:15. By 9:30, I was already eager to leave the house. The kids made their rounds at their favorite play areas.

Amelia has finally befriended the fireman

Jackson's daily gymnastics is paying off.
The cafe is consistently their favorite place to play--my little bakers.
Big kids climbing and sliding
There are regularly scheduled story times throughout the day at the museum, but we rarely participate. I normally avoid them because they are crowded, which means the rest of the museum is less crowded and easier for me to see all four kids. Today, Jackson wanted to stay when they announced the book--The Mitten by Jan Brett. I used to read the board book to Jackson all the time and his preschool teacher just read it to the class last week. 

The leader let different children represent each animal. She gave them a mask, then let them sit on the giant cut out mitten on the floor.

Afterwards, the kids were able to touch animal fur from several of the animals. It was a pretty cool story time!

It was a fun morning, followed by a less than fun meeting with Early Intervention. That's a different post altogether!

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