
Friday, January 22, 2016

Snow Day Comfort Food

Today was a snow day, making it a whopping one-day school week for the boys! The district called off school last night, which meant we could all sleep in this morning. After an hour of playing in the snow with the kids, I spent the remainder of the day in and out of the kitchen. Here are the tasty creations:

Warm chocolate chip cookies with fresh snow cream
In a discussion with my mom friends, I was shocked that most of them had never made snowcream. This is the one staple we are guaranteed to do if it snows.
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A variety of muffins
I was supposed to bring dozens of muffins to the church leadership retreat tomorrow but it was cancelled. I decided to make the muffins anyway and share with my next door neighbor who is dealing with puking kids and an out of town husband whose flight home was cancelled..
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Amazingly delicious potato soup with grilled cheese
We still had a few baked potatoes in the fridge leftover from the large homeless ministry dinner we made on Monday. I didn't want to waste them so I googled recipes for potato soup until I found one where we had all the ingredients. It was so, so good!
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Mini pot pie
I made a large pot pie but still had enough filling and crust to make a small one in a ramekin. I had delivered a bowl of potato soup to my neighbor (the widower) and told him we'd have pot pie ready at 5:30. At exactly 5:30 the doorbell rang. I was going to give him the ramekin but it was still in the oven. No matter, we all enjoyed a warm, hearty meal.

I absolutely love cooking and sharing comfort food with family and friends!

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