
Sunday, January 17, 2016

Weight Loss Week 2

I am continuing to make weekly blog posts with exercise and food logs to help keep myself accountable, track progress, and be able to later reference. 

Monday, January 11
B: Green smoothie (spinach, water, frozen berry blend)
L: Grilled chicken breast (marinated in Italian dressing), grilled squash
D: Grilled turkey burger on a bun with lettuce and ketchup, potatoes roasted with Lipton Onion and olive oil
Snack: Lara bar, 2 Starbursts

E: 60 min Zumba class

Notes: Squash on the George Foreman was satisfying. The turkey burger was delicious and very filling.

Tuesday, January 12
B: Green smoothie (spinach, water, frozen mango and peaches)
L: Grilled turkey burger on a bun with ketchup, potatoes roasted with Lipton Onion and olive oil
D: taco soup (ground beef, chili beans, tomatoes, peppers, corn, seasoning)
Snack: 3 cups of popcorn (popped on the stove)

E: 30 minutes ab class, 50 min Essentrics class

Notes: I have no core strength! The ab class was painfully challenging.

Wednesday, January 13
B: 2/3 a green smoothie (spinach, water, frozen grapes, apple)
L: taco soup (ground beef, chili beans, tomatoes, peppers, corn, seasoning)
D: homemade veggie soup (cabbage, squash, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, carrots, celery), saltine crackers
Snack: 2 Lara Bars (mid morning and after evening Zumba)

E: 60 min Zumba Toning class (with weights)

Notes: Today's smoothie was pretty terrible. My blender can not handle grapes. I ended up straining it and just drinking the juice because I could not tolerate the chewy texture.
 I was uncomfortably hungry and weak after Zumba tonight, so I tried a new recipe tonight for energy bites. They have oats, peanut butter, cocoa, honey, coconut, and ground flax.

Thursday, January 14
B: Green smoothie (spinach, water, frozen pineapple/peach/mango/strawberry)
L: 5 fishsticks, homemade veggie soup (cabbage, squash, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, carrots, celery)
D: Enchilada (ground beef, black beans, shredded cheese, enchilada sauce), broccoli with ranch dressing
Snack: awful grazing today--2-3 of each: almonds, animal crackers, ritz crackers, energy bite

E: 60 min Zumba class

Friday, January 15
B: Green smoothie (spinach, water, frozen pineapple/peach/mango/strawberry), energy bite
L: 5 chicken McNuggets, homemade veggie soup (cabbage, squash, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, carrots, celery)
D: chicken stir fry, slice of frozen pizza
Snack: energy bite, 2 cups of popcorn

E: none

Notes:  I wanted to snack again all day! The veggie soup is very tasty, but doesn't keep me full at all.

Saturday, January 16
B: Green smoothie (kale, water, frozen pineapple/peach/mango/strawberry), energy bite
L: Goldfish and homemade veggie soup (cabbage, squash, tomatoes, green beans, peppers, carrots, celery)
D: salad with ranch dressing, pasta with meat sauce
Snack: energy bite, 3 bites of birthday cake

E: 60 min step class

Notes: I was content with my choices at my nephew's birthday party. I didn't eat multiple bowls of pasta, garlic bread, a whole slice of cake, or ice cream. I didn't feel like I was depriving myself at all.

Sunday, January 17
B: Green smoothie (kale, water, frozen peach/mango), 4 oatmeal pancakes, slice of bacon
L: broccoli and ranch dressing, 2 small slices of frozen pizza
D: pasta with tomato sauce
Snack: chocolate chip cookie, small order of fries

E: none

Notes:  I did not eat well today. Consequently, I did not feel well.

Weekly Weight Loss: -4 lbs

Reflections from the Week:
I've been reading a book on hunger directed eating. It's ridiculous how out of tune I am with my body. I genuinely can't decipher "subtle physiological hunger clues". I've done a good job on not eating to the point of being uncomfortably full. But I still find myself eating because the clock shows it's meal time or because I'm bored/stressed and open the pantry. On the flip side, the only way I identify hunger is if I reach the point of stomach growling, weak feeling. Clearly I have a lot of work to do on eating habits.

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