
Friday, March 18, 2016

Free Cone Day

Tuesday was Election Day, which meant Jesse had a "workday" aka take the kids to school, sign in, then go to the park. I had an interview at a school (more on that later) that went unusually long. One of Jackson's best school buddies came over to play at our house that afternoon. It was so hot outside; it was a bit of a summer tease.

It was also Free Cone Day at Dairy Queen. Ice cream is a staple in our diet, though we forgo cones with the children.  To make it even more messy exciting, we selected dipped cones (2 of each in butterscotch, chocolate, and cherry).  I am so glad Jesse was with me because the kids made such a mess it required two people to get them wiped down and in the van. 

The trio was eating so slowly and ice cream was dripping everywhere. I had a church meeting to attend so we ended up taking their ice cream before they finished. Amelia did NOT take it well. She screamed most of the ride home, "I not finished." Jesse put the kids directly in the bath while I headed to what ended up being a 3 hour budget meeting at church.

We will never turn down free ice cream, but we'll stick to ice cream in a bowl this summer!

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