
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Jackson's BFF

Jackson has his first non-related best friend. We've been going to play dates with my circle of mom friends and their kids for two years. Jackson has also made friends at his various preschools over the years, which have resulted in several play dates and field trips. For the most part, these social activities have been in small groups and coordinated because I like hanging out with my mom friends. The only time we've had one friend over is if I've babysat for a friend.

Over the past few months, Jackson has developed a close friendship with his classmate, P. I heard P's name so often that I reached out to his mom and gave her my contact information so we could set up a play date. We met a few times before Christmas. A few months later, the boys now hang out after school at least once a week. As a bonus I've befriended his mom, and she has another boy a little younger than the trio. We've been to numerous parks together as well as one another's homes. Here are some of photos of the boys in action this past month:

Feeding the ducks

Flying a kite on a very windy day

P's birthday party


Bounce house love

More park shenanigans 

It's fun to see Jackson develop friendships on his own, and come up with ideas of things to do together. A year ago he hardly even interacted with the friends he was supposed to be playing with, so his social skills have come a long way. I'm happy the boys enjoy spending time together and I look forward to their adventures this spring.

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