
Monday, May 9, 2016

Lambs at Latta

Last Friday I took the trio to Latta Plantation. Kids five and under are free and adult admission is only $7, but we still limit our visits to a few times a year. Since it was just the toddlers, we spent nearly two hours examining the different animals. It was a beautiful, sunny, quiet morning.

We still walked in and around the slave quarters and kitchen, but I refrained from giving a history lesson during this visit.

Instead we talked about what the animals ate and how they drank water.

We listened to the animals and mimicked their sounds. The girls were particularly frightened by the unexpected gobbles.

We talked about if the animals were big or small, had soft or rough fur, made loud or quiet sounds, etc.

Then I spent five minutes trying to convince Amelia to keep her hands out of reach from the pig. Notice how close her hand is, while sitting beside the "Caution: Pigs Bite!!!" sign.

The highlight of our morning was seeing the lambs. The white, baby sheep were literally prancing and frolicking in the pasture. They would jump in the air and chase butterflies. I could have watched them for hours.

We took our time and leisurely strolled around the plantation. Eventually the lambs hopped through the fence and the kids were able to pet them. And by kids, I mean James and Amelia. Maddie required the safety of my arms.

It was such a relaxed, age appropriate, fun morning. It was well worth the $7!

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