
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

May the 4th Be With You

Wednesdays are always our "adventure days" since Jackson doesn't have preschool. Jesse had to work concessions at the baseball game so he wasn't going to be home until bedtime. I strongly considered a day trip to the mountains, but reconsidered when I remembered it was Star Wars Day. A quick google search led me to Discovery Place and ImaginOn for some free Star Wars festivities uptown.

Jackson chose to dress as a Stormtrooper since he was Kylo Ren for ComicCon. The trio didn't want to dress up this time, which was fine by me. As soon as we arrived to Discovery Place, we went upstairs to meet the characters. Jackson was the only one willing to pose with them.

There was a large number of school groups posing to take pictures with the Snowtrooper and Darth Vader. Most of the kids turned to take a picture, then walked away. Jackson lifted his mask, gave them high-fives, and asked if they were going to ComicCon. I love him so much!

Jackson was one of very few people dressed up. I think he was a little disappointed about that, but he received lots of comments and compliments from strangers. Plus, everything he did looked cooler. Case in point--Stormtrooper crossing the rope bridge through the rain forest.

The trio happened to all be standing beside each other in a perfect lighting. I tried taking a picture, but they wouldn't look at me. Eh, they're still adorable.

After making our rounds at the museum, we returned to the van so I could put the trio in the wagon and walk around uptown. We walked a few blocks to the children's library. All four kids picked books to read.

Then they sat down together to "Decorate a droid".

I didn't take pictures, but the library also had a space where kids could watch Lego Star Wars videos. It was very cozy with bean bag chairs and foam cushions. We were the only ones there at the time. Jackson would have stayed longer but James and Maddie wouldn't stop wrestling each other on the bean bags. We migrated upstairs to play on the computers, rug, firetruck, and trolley.

Our final stop was a few more blocks away at First Presbyterian Church. We stopped to eat a picnic lunch before playing on the playground. Their preschool had just let out so there were a lot of families lingering, letting kids play. Jackson made friends with some of the boys while James, Amelia, and Maddie played together.

I wanted to continue walking towards the park with the waterfall fountain. However, Jackson wasn't wearing his comfortable tennis shoes. He insisted on wearing black dress up shoes because they went with his costume. Jackson never once complained, but I could tell he was tired of walking. We headed back to the van.

Once home, Jackson was eager for me to read his new library books aloud and hang his Yoda poster.

It was a pretty enjoyable day for our Star Wars lover.

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