
Wednesday, July 20, 2016

3rd Birthday Party

This past Sunday we celebrated James, Amelia, and Madeline's 3rd birthday with the extended family. In previous years, I have made large photo collages, homemade cakes, pinatas, and enormous banners. I didn't do any of those things this year and I am convinced the kids were just as happy. Our theme, aka invitations and cake, was UmiZoomi. This has been a favorite show of all four kids for as long as I can remember. 

We packed nearly 30 people in our home and ate copious amounts of pizza, salad, watermelon, and chips.

The trio ended up opening presents and eating cake at a table. It was nice because they had enough room, stayed still for pictures, and, were visible so everyone could watch them.

Their reactions were precious. They were each elated at every gift, naming each train, doll, puzzle, etc with glee.

For the actual cake, I ordered an UmiZoomi sugar sheet online and a regular cake from WalMart. I did have a bit of a problem fitting the sugar sheet under the border, but it all worked out. I really wanted the kids to have their own cake. They know no different, but I want to celebrate them as individuals, even though they share a birthday. I spent Sunday morning making individual brownies and fondant character faces.

James blew his candles out before we finished singing. Amelia waited until the song was over. Maddie needed help blowing out her candles.

It was a very low stress birthday and my favorite three year olds received everything they wanted. It makes me truly joyful to see my babies happy and to know how much they are loved!

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