
Monday, November 14, 2016

Stevie Nicks Date Night (Nov. 10)

Jesse and I had our second date in a week, both of which were free thanks to Jesse's dedication and good luck with radio contests. Our first date was lunch together on Election Day using a Firehouse gift card. Our date this evening was one I had been looking forward to since I found out about it: a Stevie Nicks concert. As usual, Jesse's mom came over to watch the kids. It was a Thursday night, but we didn't have school the next day because of Veteran's Day. (In fact, we were headed to the beach for the long weekend.)

I am obsessed with the skyline at night. I love city lights so much! I talked Jesse into walking a few blocks to Fahrenheit rooftop bar. It was a gorgeous, clear night with mild temperatures.

We sat down at the bar, only to realize I had left my purse in the car in the parking deck several blocks away. They wouldn't even let me sit at the bar without an ID! We ended up leaving without either one of us getting drinks, so it turned out to be just a silly photo op.

The concert was held at the arena, which is a huge venue. Fleetwood Mac is my favorite band. They came to Charlotte when I was 34 weeks pregnant with the triplets. We didn't buy tickets because we didn't know if I would be on bedrest or have babies in the NICU. The following year they came to Atlanta. Jesse surprised me with tickets for my birthday. When I found out how much they cost (over $500) I made him sell them on StubHub. So I love Fleetwood Mac, but not for $500 when we were on one income and a dwindling savings.

I hope I can still see Fleetwood Mac one day, but seeing Stevie Nicks was pretty exciting. She only performed a few Fleetwood Mac songs, but I knew most all of her solo songs as well. I even knew most of the opening act, The Pretenders. It was a great concert because Stevie shared a lot of storytelling in between songs.

As an awkward and inappropriate aside, I was consistently distracted by the man sitting in front of us. He was wearing a fur jacket and on his phone the entire time either taking videos or texting sexual pictures. I tried not to pay attention but the light from his phone was so bright!

I would have been content to go to a dessert bar or linger around uptown, but we didn't want to keep Jesse's mom any longer. Plus, we still had to pack for our beach trip. It was a fantastic, free evening with my favorite man in my favorite city!

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