
Saturday, August 13, 2011

Fun Family Friday

Even though I brought my camera, I didn't take a single picture from our marathon of family visits today. 

First thing this morning Jesse cut the grass while Jackson and I got my car serviced.  An oil change was long overdue and one of my tires was leaking.  It always takes at least an hour at the car dealership.  Luckily there are lots of places within walking distance, so I put Jackson in the stroller and we were on our merry way.  (It was too hot to Ergo and I knew we would be sitting down for a while anyway.)  I spent an hour in Bojangles sipping unsweet tea and tossing Jack in the air.  A third of that time was spent in the bathroom looking at ourselves in the mirror.  We enjoyed some shade and walked around a bit outside until my car was ready.

We were then off to Katie's house for our last play date of the summer with baby Connor and Jude.  Jesse came with us today.  Jesse and I ate a lot of fried food and brownies while chatting with friends and playing with babies.  (After a slight nervous breakdown this week I am taking a hiatus from SparkPeople.)

The next stop was Aunt MeMe's house.  Jackson reserves most of his talking for his parents, but he will generally talk to Christina if she plays with him with stuffed animals.  My niece Emily brushed my hair and amused herself taking pictures of me in silly hats.  The highlight of my day was when Emily and I both put our foot up to our ears and pretended to talk on the telephone.  This was an impromptu act that we did simultaneously, which is what makes it so hilarious to me.  She really is my child.  Jesse watched the weather and repetitive news clips for about two hours, then Emily played with his hair.

Our final destination was dinner with my brother and sister-in-law and their children.  Michael and April graciously took us out to eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant.  I am fascinated by babies' interactions.  Megan was extremely verbal.  Jackson was very attentive but quiet.  We greatly enjoyed the company and yummy food.  Even though it was after 7 pm, Jackson thankfully saved his meltdown for the car ride home rather than in the restaurant.  

Jackson received a bath, rub down of lotions and appointments, swaddle, and final snack before totally crashing.  I am happy to report that he is once again sleeping a 6-hour stretch every night (normally from 8pm-2am). 

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