
Monday, August 1, 2011

Monday, Monday

Who doesn't get The Mama & The Papas stuck in their head at the beginning of each week?  This Monday morning came way too early!  Jackson was so cranky and wouldn't sleep, which made for two cranky parents at 5 a.m.  Jesse went back to sleep for a few hours while Jackson and I watched The Bachelorette and drank diet hot chocolate. 

My plans for the day included getting my hair cut and taking a nap.  I did neither.  Jackson and I entertained ourselves while Jesse mowed the lawn and went grocery shopping.  We still managed to be productive.  We read various Eric Carle books, washed dishes, put groceries away, and ate.  Jackson used my arm as a tiny body pillow during his nap.   

I took advantage of naptime by working on plans for the 5th grade Washington D.C. field trip that I am apparently in charge of and tracking my weekend overindulgences on SparkPeople.  I was even able to transform Jesse's traditional teaching resume into a functional skills resume that can be used for non-teaching jobs.

Throughout the past several days Jackson has had several absolute wailing fits.  I attribute this to teething though there's no real signs of teeth yet.  Jackson is still a bit clumsy putting the teethers in his mouth at the right spot he wants.  I read somewhere to stick a burp cloth in the freezer and let him gnaw on it.  That little magic trick took care of his fussiness more than once today.

I always feel like I need some kind of summary sentence or an interesting segue into future events at the end of each post.  Too bad I'm never clever enough.  On that note...I'm finished blogging for the day!  ; D

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