
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Prayers to Get Out of This Funk

We were all in a bit of a funk today.  Jackson and I never left the house with the exception of sitting on the deck for a few minutes.  We played, read, talked, and ate.  I had to call my sister to have her listen to Jack because I don't think anyone would ever believe how much he actually rambles.  I can't wait until he speaks words I can understand.  Jackson may look exactly like Jesse, but he sure acts a lot like me!

Jackson fought sleep more than usual, which was so frustrating.  He talked himself to sleep at the dinner table, only to awaken himself minutes later. 

Jesse was in a seriously bad mood all day.  The kind of bad mood that makes him uncomfortable to be around.  I tried to leave him alone, tried to make him laugh, and eventually tried to talk to him but he completely shut me out and just said "I don't want to talk about it."  I can only assume "it" is the stress of figuring out childcare and a job.  For whatever reason, I'm not stressed about it yet.  Though I do know that no matter what happens in the next few weeks, it's not going to be easy on any of us.

Prayers are appreciated...

1 comment:

  1. Stress is hard. I'm sorry. continued prayers for everyone at your house.

    Glad you get to come over and hang out today!
