
Monday, August 8, 2011

Weekend in Pictures

FridayFriday was a playdate with Jackson's favorite friends, Jude and Connor.  I'm glad Jack likes them, since I happen to be a fan of their moms.  Jackson and Connor were bullied by Jude during floor time.  Time to toughen up the boys!

After surviving a monsoon on the interstate, Jesse and I enjoyed eating out at a barbecue restaurant that night.

Jesse was still in quite the mood on Saturday, so Jackson and I ran errands.  At the time I left I didn't know where I was going; I just wanted to get out of the house.  We ended up at Concord Mills.  Too bad I totally forgot that it was tax-free weekend.  I'm pretty sure Jackson was overwhelmed as he totally crashed once we got home. 

As an Ergo lover, I have never taken Jackson out and about in a stroller.  It was such a pain in the ass!  My challenges included trying to get him through the doorway before the doors closed, not running over anyone or getting runover by the hundreds of people stampeding past us, and using public restrooms.  I think I'll stick to baby carriers! 

After resting up, Jackson proved what great head control he has acquired by relaxing in the bumbo.

Jan and Jeff came over for a pleasant evening visit.  They even brought us Japanese take-out and delicious lemon ice cream.  After a rocky start, the day ended on a high note.

Jackson awoke screaming bloody murder (polar opposite from his usual behavior).  Both Jesse and I were on edge while trying to calm him.  I was relieved that Jackson fell asleep on the way to church and was all smiles for the nursery volunteers.  After church I went clothes shopping while Jesse purchased several weeks worth of disposable diapers. 

The whole Harwood family enjoyed hamburgers and hotdogs on Sunday night in Rockwell.  Jesse grew up in the country so Jackson was able to see his first cows in person.  (His reaction was apathetic.)

Much like his father, Jackson is a creature of habit.  A strict bedtime routine is followed that begins at 7:30 with Jackson asleep by 8.  Knowing his routine well, I told Jesse before we drove to Jan and Jeff's that we need to leave by 7:30.  We didn't leave until nearly 8 and severely paid for it!  When Jackson gets himself so worked up he gasps for breath repeatedly and continues to rip the pacifier out of his mouth.  It was a loud car ride home, but Jackson eventually fell asleep holding my hands in the back seat.  (And yes, I had to either sit in the back seat or listen to hysterical cries for 40 minutes.)

Monday morning brought my first workday (a half day).  We had our first ever blowout diaper early this morning that resulted in doing a load of baby clothes and washing the sheets and mattress pad. 

Before driving off to work, Jesse and I enjoyed a FREE breakfast from Ikea.  They give away a free breakfast (scrambled eggs, bacon, and potatoes) every Monday from 9:30-11. 

Once at school, my teammates and I worked on our newsletter and grade level rules and procedures.  It feels good to get back into the swing of things.

I am pleased to say that I was able to pump 5 oz, which was exactly the amount Jackson drank while I was away for four hours.

Next on the agenda was moving out of my old classroom so that I can move into my new classroom tomorrow.  My strong, kind husband loaded up both of our cars while I nursed Jackson on the floor.

Unfortunately our day resulted in a headache as Jackson fought sleep for hours.  Between 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Jackson slept a grand total of one hour.  We took his temperature to make sure he didn't have a fever.  I lost all patience with him after two hours of fussing.  He didn't scream the entire day, but he was very cranky on and off and downright miserable the final hours before bed.  I put his pacifiers in the freezer and he enjoyed sucking on the cold ones.  I pray that we get rest tonight!

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