
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Halloween Teaser

Last night Jesse, Jackson, and I went to a strange Egyptian/American restaurant.  We had falafel sandwiches as an appetizer.  We left Jackson in the stroller most of the time but took him out after we finished eating.  He kept trying to steal my drink and grab everything off the table.

This morning I randomly gave Jackson a sippy cup with water for the first time just to play with while I unloaded the dishwasher.  He amused himself and surprised himself when he accidentally drank some of the water.

Jesse and I amused oursevles by dressing Jackson up in his Halloween costumes.  I bought a duck costume from K-Mart for $2 when I was in college and Jesse's mom bought us the dinosaur costume when I was pregnant.  Even though Halloween is over a month away, we wanted to see if either costume fit.  Both were cute, but I prefer the duck.

Even though my school was open all day today, I chose to stay home and worked while Jackson napped.  It has been a very relaxing Saturday with my two favorite boys!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the duck! I want Lucy to be a duck so badly I can hardly stand it, LOL!

    "I a duck, QUACK!"
