
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Injured and Bleeding

I would have definitely updated the blog at least once this week if our internet was working.  In an attempt to cut our expenses, we've cancelled the home phone, and saved $100 a month by switching from Time Warner to AT&T for our internet and satellite for our cable.  To say that we've had some technological difficulties setting up the modem is an understatement!  All is finally set up now.

It's been a rough couple of days for our family. 

First, my body decided it needed to cram 14 months worth of monthly cycles into seven, horrendous days.  As a result, Jackson and I have endured many painful nursing sessions.  Jesse and I experienced three consecutive sleepless nights and ended up having to give Jackson a bottle in the middle of the night.  I was so sleep deprived at the beginning of the week that I just cried the whole drive to work each morning and was sound asleep by 8:30 pm each night.  I've pumped an average of 6-8 ounces of milk during a ten-hour workday.  Thankfully, things seem to be readjusting now that my cycle has ended.  I'm not sure our household can handle this every month!

I literally cut my fingertip off on Wednesday.  I wish I had a good story to tell, but I was just cutting duct tape and got carried away.  The music teacher had to cover my class while I bled through multiple paper towels on my way to the nurse's office.  (Side note: Nurse Susan is my new favorite staff member!  She's also a L&D nurse.)  She bandaged it in gauze and tape and applied ointment to it three times throughout the day.  It's much better but it still hurts to type four days later:

Jackson has taken the phrase "claw your eyes out" literally.  Something was bothering his eyes on Friday and he has been scratching them wildly for two days.  There is no question why he still must be swaddled each night at nearly five months old.
Jesse requested that the caption of this photo be "You should have seen the other baby."

Less catastrophic but still troublesome events from earlier in the week included cutting a chunk out of my ankle while shaving with a new razor, Jesse dropping a knife on his toe while cutting broccoli, and Jackson rubbing soap in his eyes during bathtime.

We're a mess this week!

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