
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Luxury Carseat and More Oatmeal

After doing most of the driving over the long weekend, we accidentally left the carseat, stroller, diaper bag, and Ergo in my car.  While this was a major disruption to Jesse's plans for the day, it gave him a reason to install our big boy carseat in his car.  Our insurance paid for the Britax Marathon Classic after Jesse got in the wreck this past May.  This carseat is amazing.  It's so soft and durable.  Jackson loves being able to get a better look at himself in the mirror.

This evening we gave Jackson oatmeal for the second time.  He actually ate most of it this time, but it was still a challenge.  He still opened his mouth and reached for the spoon, but then he played.  He was acting so silly and kept sucking his lips and blowing bubbles while eating.  Needless to say, it was a mess!

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